Marketing to Senior Citizens in East Texas
Senior Marketing Resources in East Texas
Advertise on SETX
Does your company or organization market to senior citizens?
The 55+ demo is often called “The money demo”.
This group is attractive to Southeast Texas advertisers for their ability to buy large ticket items with cash:
- New and pre-owned vehicles
- RVs
- Golf carts
- Vacation homes
- Jewelry and art
- Country club memberships
- Vacations
Reach Southeast Texas seniors in print with the SETX Seniors Resource Guide, in person through the Southeast Texas Senior Expo Series of live events, and online via
The magazine, live events, and website combine to form the leading news and information resource for senior citizens in Jefferson County, Hardin County, Orange County, and Tyler County. provides over 300 local articles each year covering topics from Southeast Texas senior entertainment through home health and hospice care and everything in between.
Are you ready to take your senior marketing to the next level?
Call the experts today!
- Daryl Fant, Southeast Texas Senior Resource Guide &
- (512) 567-8068
- Email us anytime: