Advertise to Senior Citizens in Southeast Texas

Senior Marketing Southeast Texas
Beaumont Advertising News – You Can Effectively Advertise to Senior Citizens in Southeast Texas
Many businesses in the Golden Triangle depend on being able to effectively advertise to senior citizens in Southeast Texas:
- Furniture stores
- Hospitals
- Senior friendly gyms and fitness trainers
- Medical practices
- Golden Triangle credit unions and banks
- Southeast Texas hospice and home health agencies
- Dentures and dental service clinics
- Southeast Texas mortgage and reverse mortgage companies
- Remodeling contractors
- Durable medical goods vendors
- SETX financial planners and retirement planning firms
If you are in one of these fields, today’s edition of Beaumont Advertising News should be a valuable tool as you move forward.
There are two primary resources for advertisers to effectively target their marketing to senior citizens in Southeast Texas.
- This site makes it EASY for your prospective clients to find you by cellphone, tablet, or computer using a unique blend of online advertising elements:
- Custom page on the website
- Banner ads on every page of
- Custom marketing articles highlighting what makes your business special to local seniors
- Multi-platform social media campaign.
Would you like more information about marketing to Golden Triangle Senior Citizens?
- Daryl Fant, Publisher and The SETX Seniors Resource Guide
- (512) 567-8068
Advertisers praise for delivering not only Southeast Texans who are 55+, but for also reaching the grown children of seniors who help them make decisions in key areas including health care and senior living.
Articles are a blend of items of interest to local seniors: exercise and fitness opportunities, fellowship events at senior centers, senior living facilities, and Southeast Texas churches, and profiles of businesses that cater to Golden Triangle seniors.
One of the popular features is their “Last of the Greatest” series with bios of Southeast Texas World War II veterans.
Advertising is budget friendly for Southeast Texas senior service providers:
- $395/month quarter page. Includes online.
- $595/month half page. Includes online & social media.
- $995/month full page. Includes online, social media, and Search Engine Optimization services.
If you’re interested in marketing to senior citizens in Southeast Texas (55+), these are two excellent resources.
We hope today’s edition of Beaumont Advertising News has been helpful.
If you’d like more information on effectively marketing to senior citizens in Southeast Texas, please do call or EM to set up an appointment:
- Daryl Fant, Publisher and The SETX Seniors Resource Guide
- (512) 567-8068
You can effectively market to seniors in Southeast Texas – and the SETX Seniors Resource Guide can help.
We hope you enjoyed today’s feature, Beaumont Advertising News – You Can Effectively Advertise to Senior Citizens in Southeast Texas.
Stay tuned for more Southeast Texas advertising information, resources, and inspiration.